
10 items matching your search terms.

Papyrus Chester Beatty VIII

Papyrus Chester Beatty VIII

Domain of Knowledge: Magic Medicine
Keywords: hymn incantation ritual
Text type: list
Date: from Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 19th Dynasty to Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 20th Dynasty
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Deir el-Medina
Papyrus Chester Beatty XVI

Papyrus Chester Beatty XVI

Domain of Knowledge: Magic Medicine
Keywords: Thoth cleansing ritual
Text type: recitation(s)
Date: Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 20th Dynasty
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Deir el-Medina
Papyrus Kahun London UC 32091A + UC 32095A + UC 32110D + UC 32137G(?)

Papyrus Kahun London UC 32091A + UC 32095A + UC 32110D + UC 32137G(?)

Domain of Knowledge: Medicine
Keywords: incantation Horus ritual
Text type: recitation(s) » incantation(s)
Date: Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » Middle Kingdom » 12th Dynasty Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » 2nd Intermediate Period » 13th Dynasty
Find spot: Between Cairo and Assiut » Between el-Fayum and Beni Hasan » West Bank » el-Lahun

Papyrus Kairo CG 58027

Domain of Knowledge: Medicine
Keywords: ritual recipe incantation defence spell (preventive magic) ointments
Text type: compilation/collection
Date: from Century Dates » (Centuries AD) » 1st century AD to Century Dates » (Centuries AD) » 2nd century AD
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Deir el-Medina
Papyrus Ramesseum VII

Papyrus Ramesseum VII

Domain of Knowledge: Magic
Keywords: binding spell » love spell (erotic magic) ritual Thoth incantation binding spell » acquiring favour
Text type: recitation(s) » incantation(s)
Date: from Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » Middle Kingdom to Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » 2nd Intermediate Period » 13th Dynasty
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Ramesseum
Papyrus Ramesseum XIII

Papyrus Ramesseum XIII

Domain of Knowledge: Magic
Keywords: ritual healing spell (curative magic) defence spell (preventive magic) cleansing recitation
Text type: recitation(s)
Date: Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » 2nd Intermediate Period » 13th Dynasty
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Ramesseum

Papyrus Turin CGT 54050

Domain of Knowledge: Magic Medicine
Keywords: manners of death ritual recipe Osiris Thoth incantation cleansing hymn
Text type: recitation(s) » ritual/liturgy recitation(s) » hymn recipe(s)
Date: Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 19th Dynasty Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 20th Dynasty
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Deir el-Medina

Papyrus Turin CGT 54053

Domain of Knowledge: Magic Medicine
Keywords: ritual cleansing Thoth
Text type: recitation(s) » ritual/liturgy recitation(s) » hymn
Date: Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 19th Dynasty Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 20th Dynasty
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Deir el-Medina

Papyrus Vienna KM 3873 + Papyrus Zagreb 597-2

Domain of Knowledge: Medicine
Keywords: mummification embalming Apis ritual
Text type: monograph/handbook » manual
Date: Century Dates » (Centuries BC) » 4th century BC Century Dates » (Centuries BC) » 3rd century BC
Find spot: Unknown

Pillar of the "Sanatorium" of Dendara

Domain of Knowledge: Magic
Keywords: ritual Osiris Horus Isis incantation defence spell (preventive magic) deification of limbs
Text type: compilation/collection
Date: from Century Dates » (Centuries BC) » 2nd century BC to Century Dates » (Centuries AD) » 1st century AD
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Between Abydos and Thebes » West Bank » Dendera