Papyrus Turin CGT 54053


knowledge domains
Alternative Names
Hinweis: Der gelegentlich zu findende Fehler Cat. 2049/296 statt des korrekten 2099/296 (bspw. Bellion 1987, 310, Roccati 2011, 17) beruht vermutlich auf der unsauberen und daher ambivalenten Beschriftung der Unterlage des Papyrus. / Note: The occasional error Cat. 2049/296 instead of the correct 2099/296 (e.g. Bellion 1987, 310, Roccati 2011, 17 is probably due to the unclean and therefore ambivalent inscription of the papyrus base. ID der Turiner Datenbank / Turin Database ID: 134564 TM 755028 (Recto) pTurin Cat. 2107/423 + Cat. 2105/355 + Cat. 2105/375 + Cat. 1964 + Cat. 2099/296 + Cat. 2048/034 + Cat. 2093/234 + unnummerierte Fragmente / unnumbered fragments
Present location
Europe » Italy » (Cities Q-Z) » Turin » Museo Egizio
Online collections

Museo Egizio Papyri (not avalable yet)

Find spot
Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Deir el-Medina
Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 20th Dynasty, Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 19th Dynasty
Text type
recitation(s) » hymn, recitation(s) » ritual/liturgy
Organic » Fiber (from plants and animals) » Papyrus
Object type
Artefact » Writing surfaces » Scroll
Egyptian-Coptic » Egyptian » Late Egyptian, Egyptian-Coptic » Egyptian » Middle Egyptian

- Pleyte – Rossi 1869: W. Pleyte – F. Rossi, Papyrus de Turin (Leiden 1869), 1st vol., 34–35, 2nd vol., pl. 23–25 (only fragment Cat. 1964).

- Roccati 2011: A. Roccati, Magica Taurinensia. Il grande papiro magico di Torino e i suoi duplicati, Analecta Orientalia 56 (Roma 2011), 17–18, 37–45, 161–164, 198–251, 253.

Bibliographic references

- Champollion 1826: J. F. Champollion, Lettres à M. le duc de Blacas d’Aulps relatives au Musée Royal Egyptien de Turin. Vol. 2. Suite des monuments historiques (Paris 1826).

- Demarée 1993: R. J. Demarée, Recent Work on the Administrative Papyri in the Museo Egizio, in: Anonymous (Ed.), Sesto Congresso internazionale di egittologia. Atti. Vol. II 2 (Torino 1993), 101–105.

- Ministero della pubblica istruzione 1880: Ministero della pubblica istruzione (Ed.), Documenti inedití per servire alla storia dei musei d’Italia. Vol. 3 (Firenze, Roma 1880).

- Fabretti 1882: A. Fabretti, Regio Museo di Torino. Antichità egizie. Vol. 1, Catalogo generale dei musei di antichità e degli oggetti d’arte raccolti nelle gallerie e biblioteche del Regno 1.1 (Torino 1882).

- Roccati 1975: A. Roccati, Scavi nel Museo Egizio di Torino. VII. Tra i papiri torinesi, in: Oriens Antiquus 14, 1975, 243–253.

- Roccati 1984: A. Roccati, Les papyrus de Turin, in: Bulletin de la Société Française d’Égyptologie 99, 1984, 9–27.

A complete bibliography can be found here.

Dr. Lutz Popko

Translation and Commentary

For complete metadata, translation, and commentary, see German version.