Oracular Amuletic Decree L1 (Papyrus London BM EA 10083)


knowledge domains
Alternative Names
OAD L1 TM 381257
Present location
Europe » Great Britain » (Cities K-N) » London » British Museum

Inventory number: BM EA 10083

Find spot
Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes
from: Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » 3rd Intermediate Period » 21st Dynasty to: Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » 3rd Intermediate Period » 22nd–23th Dynasty
Text type
Oracular Amuletic Decree
Organic » Fiber (from plants and animals) » Papyrus
Object type
Artefact » Writing surfaces » Sheet
Egyptian-Coptic » Egyptian » Late Egyptian

- Edwards 1960a: I. E. S. Edwards, Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum. Fourth Series. Oracular Amuletic Decrees of the Late New Kingdom. I. Text (London 1960), 1–13.

- Edwards 1960b: I. E. S. Edwards, Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum. Fourth Series. Oracular Amuletic Decrees of the Late New Kingdom. II. Plates (London 1960), pl. 1–3.

- Fischer-Elfert 2018: H.-W. Fischer-Elfert, Altägyptische Zaubersprüche (Stuttgart 2018), 108–112.

Bibliographic references

- Adderly 2015: N. J. Adderly, Personal Religion in the Libyan Period in Egypt (Saarbrücken 2015), 191–218.

- Austin 2014: A. Austin, Contending with Illness in Ancient Egypt (Los Angeles 2014).

- Bierbrier 2012: M. L. Bierbrier, Who was Who in Egyptology, 4. Auflage (London 2012), 553.

- Bourriau – Ray 1975: J. D. Bourriau – J. Ray, Two Further Decree-Cases of ŠꜢḳ, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 61 (1975), 257–258.

Bülow-Jacobson 2009: A. Bülow-Jacobson, Writing Materials in the Ancient Word, in: R. S. Bagnall, The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology (Oxford 2009), 3–29.

- Černý 1939: J. Černý, Late Ramesside Letters, Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca IV (Brussels 1939), xvii–xx.

- Grams 2017: A. Grams, Der Gefahrenkatalog in den Oracular Amuletic Decrees, in: Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 46 (2017), 55–100.

- Guentch-Ogloueff 1940: M. Guentch-Ogloueff, Noms propres imprécatoires, in: Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 40 (1940), 117–133.

- Jansen-Winkeln 1985: K. Jansen-Winkeln, Ägyptische Biographien der 22. und 23. Dynastie, 2 Bände, Ägypten und Altes Testament 8 (Wiesbaden 1985), 192.

- Jansen-Winkeln 2007: K. Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit. Teil I: Die 21. Dynastie (Wiesbaden 2007), 277.

- Jacquet-Gordon 1963: H. J. Jacquet-Gordon, [Review:] I. E. S. Edwards, Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum. Fourth Series. Oracular Amuletic Decrees of the Late New Kingdom, 2 Bände (London 1960), in: Bibliotheca Orientalis 20 (1963), 31–33.

- Jacquet-Gordon 1979: H. Jacquet-Gordon, Deux graffiti de l’époque libyenne sur le toit du temple de Khonsou à Karnak, in: Anonymous (Ed.), Hommages à la mémoire de Serge Sauneron 1927-1976. I. Égypte pharaonique, Bibliothèque d’Étude 81 (Caire 1979), 167–183, pl. 27–29.

- Koenig 1987: Y. Koenig, Notes de transcription, in: Cahiers de Recherches de l’Institut de Papyrologie et d’Égyptologie de Lille 9 (1987), 31–32.

- Koenig 2018: Y. Koenig, Un nouveau décret amulettique oraculaire: Pap. IFAO H 40, Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 118 (2018), 233–239.

- Lucarelli 2009: R. Lucarelli, Popular Beliefs in Demons in the Libyan Period: The Evidence of the Oracular Amuletic Decrees, in: G. P. F. Broekman – R. J. Demarée – O. E. Kaper (Ed.), The Libyan Period in Egypt. Historical and Cultural Studies into the 21st – 24th Dynasties: Proceedings of a Conference at Leiden University, 25-27 October 2007, Egyptologische Uitgaven 23 (Leuven 2009), 231–239.

- Ray 1972: J. Ray, Two Inscribed Objects in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 58 (1972), 247–253.

- Ritner 2009: R. K. Ritner, The Libyan Anarchy. Inscriptions from Egypt’s Third Intermediate Period (Atlanta 2009), 74.

- Roß 2019: A. Roß, Der Schutz von Kindern im alten Ägypten. Die religiösen und soziokulturellen Aspekte der Oracular Amuletic Decrees (Göttingen 2019).

- Sourouzian 2010: H. Sourouzian, Seti I, not Osorkon II. A new join to the statue from Tanis, CG 1040 in the Cairo Museum, in: O. El-Aguizy – M. S. Ali (Ed.), Echoes of Eternity. Studies presented to Gaballa Aly Gaballa, Philippika 35 (Wiesbaden 2010), 96–105.

- Thirion 1981: M. Thirion. Notes d’onomastique. Contribution à une révision du Ranke PN (deuxième série), in: Revue d’Égyptologie 33 (1981), 79–87.

Turner 1978: E. C. Turner, The Terms Recto and Verso: The Anatomy of the Papyrus Roll. Papyrologica Bruxellensia: études de papyrologie et édition de sources 16 (Bruxelles 1978).

- Verhoeven 2001: U. Verhoeven, Untersuchungen zur späthieratischen Buchschrift, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 99 (Leuven 2001), 13.

- Wilfong 2013: T. G. Wilfong, The Oracular Amuletic Decrees: A Question of length, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 99 (2013), 295–300.

- Winand 1992: J. Winand, Études de néo-égyptien 1. La morphologie verbale, Aegyptiaca Leodiensia 2 (Liège 1992).

A complete bibliography can be found here.

Dr. Anke Ilona Blöbaum

Translation and Commentary

For complete metadata, translation, and commentary, see German version.