
2 items matching your search terms.

Papyrus Brooklyn 47.218.02

Domain of Knowledge: Medicine
Keywords: discomfort in the genital area » discomfort in the female breast area incantation children’s diseases discomfort in the genital area » uterine, vaginal or vulvar discomfort obstetrics
Text type: recitation(s) » incantation(s) monograph/handbook
Date: from Century Dates » (Centuries BC) » 5th century BC to Century Dates » (Centuries BC) » 3rd century BC
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Aswan » Elephantine
Socle Béhague + Torso Vienna ÄS 40

Socle Béhague + Torso Vienna ÄS 40

Domain of Knowledge: Magic
Keywords: Thoth Ptah sun god protection against animals (in general) » protection against scorpions Osiris historiola Geb litany Horus incantation protection against animals (in general) » protection against snakes Ra Apophis Nehaher protection against substances and other things » protection against poison Isis threat to the gods creator god deification of limbs
Text type: recitation(s) » incantation(s) compilation/collection
Date: from Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » Late Period » 30th Dynasty to Era and Dynasty Dates » Graeco-Roman Period » Hellenistic Period » Ptolemaic Period
Find spot: Unknown