Inner coffin of the steward Sepi, B2P


knowledge domains
Present location
Europe » France » (Cities M-P) » Paris » Musée du Louvre

Inventory number: E 10779B

Online collections
Find spot
Between Cairo and Assiut » Between Beni Hasan and el-Amarna » East Bank » Deir el-Bersha
Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » Middle Kingdom » 12th Dynasty
Text type
recitation(s) » incantation(s)
Organic » Wood
Object type
Artefact » Container » Coffin
Technical description
Hieroglyphs » Cursive Hieroglyphs
Egyptian-Coptic » Egyptian » Middle Egyptian

- de Buck 1954: A. de Buck, The Egyptian Coffin Texts. V. Texts of Spells 355-471, Oriental Institute Publications 73 (Chicago/Ill 1954), V 31a–d (CT 369), V 32a–33c (CT 370), V 34c–g (CT 372).

Bibliographic references

- Andreu – Rutschowscaya – Ziegler 1997: G. Andreu – M.-H. Rutschowscaya – C. Ziegler, L’Égypte ancienne au Louvre (Paris 1997), 87–88.

- Barguet 1986: P. Barguet, Les textes des sarcophages égyptiens du Moyen Empire (Paris 1986), 326 (CT 369–370), 272 (CT 372).

- Carrier 2004: C. Carrier, Textes des sarcophages du Moyen Empire égyptien. Tome II: spells [355] à [787] (Monaco 2004), 902–903 (CT 369 and 370), 904–905 (CT 372).

- Daressy 1900: G. Daressy, Fouilles de Deir el Bircheh (novembre-décembre 1897), in: Annales du Service des antiquités de l’Égypte 1, 1900, 17–43.

- Faulkner 1977: R. O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts. Volume II Spells 355 - 787 (Warminster 1977), 8–9.

- Lapp 1993: G. Lapp, Typologie der Särge und Sargkammern von der 6. bis 13. Dynastie, Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altägyptens 7 (Heidelberg 1993), Cat.-No. B15b.

- Lesko 1979: L. H. Lesko, Index of the Spells on Egyptian Middle Kingdom Coffins and Related Documents (Berkeley 1979).

- Pommerening – Willems 2020: T. Pommerening – H. Willems, Unravelling Daressy’s excavations of the five shafts in front of the tomb of Djehutihotep at Dayr al-Barshā (in print).

- Verrept 2003: B. Verrept, The Identification of the Owners of Some Canopic Chests from Deir al-Barsha, in: Göttinger Miszellen 195, 2003, 5–6.

- Stegbauer 2015: K. Stegbauer, Magie als Waffe gegen Schlangen in der ägyptischen Bronzezeit (Borsdorf 2015), 153–154 (Spell 2 = 369), 154–156 (Spell 3 = 370) and 157 (Spell 4 = 372) (

- Willems 1988: H. Willems, Chests of Life. A Study of the Typology and Conceptual Development of Middle Kingdom Standard Class Coffins, Mededelingen en Verhandelingen van het vooraziatisch-egyptisch Genootschap „Es Oriente Lux“ 15 (Leiden 1988).

A complete bibliography can be found here.

Dr. Katharina Stegbauer
Author of metadata
Dr. Peter Dils

Translation and Commentary

For complete metadata, translation, and commentary, see German version.