
2 items matching your search terms.

Papyrus Chester Beatty VI

Papyrus Chester Beatty VI

Domain of Knowledge: Medicine
Keywords: recipe embalming anal pain protection against “supernatural“ beings » protection against demons incantation
Text type: recitation(s) » incantation(s) monograph/handbook
Date: Era and Dynasty Dates » Pharaonic Period » New Kingdom » 19th Dynasty
Find spot: Asyut to First Cataract » Thebes » West Bank » Deir el-Medina

Papyrus Vienna KM 3873 + Papyrus Zagreb 597-2

Domain of Knowledge: Medicine
Keywords: Apis ritual embalming mummification
Text type: monograph/handbook » manual
Date: Century Dates » (Centuries BC) » 3rd century BC Century Dates » (Centuries BC) » 4th century BC
Find spot: Unknown